
24 02 2010

I’m borrowing old sentence starters from Colony of Gamers to try to get my creative juices flowing.
This sentence starter can be found here in its original form, and the word count goal is 150.

He overturned tables, smashed furniture, bringing to a boil the full extent of his fury.

Dennis threw down his mouse in disgust.  Creating a home for his avatar wasn’t going very well.

Why wouldn’t the walls line up properly?  All he wanted to do was build a snug virtual cabin to retreat to when he was tired of gaming for awhile.  There was no way he could relax when he could see simulated sunlight streaming in every place walls met floor or ceiling.

Perhaps he should just go with one of the templates.  None were as unique as he wanted, but at least snippets of the outdoors wouldn’t be streaming into his avatar’s home.  He considered the possibility of a chrome cube as his relaxation retreat.  Interior touches would make it his own; perhaps he could even add a unique texture to the exterior.

No, that wouldn’t do.  Sighing, Dennis settled down, his avatar now sitting amongst the furniture debris, for another hour of trying to line up his southwest wall with the floor.  Maybe he should have built the exterior before adding furniture to his floor plan.

(Word count: 188)

I’m still finding it rough to write much, especially fiction, so bear with me.